Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heidi Fleiss: The Natal Chart Part 1

Heidi Fleiss became well known back in 1993 when her Prostitution ring was busted in California. Heidi made her first 2 million within her first two months working as a Madame. She officially became a Madame in her early twenties, and worked for Madame Alex for a short time, deciding she preferred to work for herself. Heidi herself was a prostitute for a short period of time, but preferred the role of Madame (her life long career). Fleiss is an authorative Cardinal Capricorn female with a cardinal Aries moon, and a fixed ascendant in (Aquarius). She likes being in charge and craves power and leadership. She get’s off on $$$$, this is reflected in her life choices and natal chart.  Heidi is also known as one of the patients featured on Celebrity Rehab, run by Dr. Drew.

 Heidi’s Sun is in Capricorn, Moon in Aries and Aquarius Ascendant.  Her natal moon is in the second house of “the material” money, goods, possessions, values (money and personal). The sun squares the moon, (11-2nd house)  She is a product of divorced parents. Chiron is 18 degrees and Saturn  at 12 degrees in Pisces.  Saturn and Chiron are conjoined with a 5 degree orb in her 1st house. Her father, a pediatrician was very supportive of Heidi’s career and even helped her establish a cover business. Heidi had a stable of over a hundred  girls; the starting rate was 1,500 per night. Heidi would take 40 percent of each girl’s earnings. The first house is a difficult place   for Saturn and Chiron emotionally. Saturn in the first, can give a person a serious, mature side.  People with Saturn in the first typically are very hard on themselves and have self esteem and trust issues.  If one were to observe someone with Saturn in their 1st;  they may not see this side displayed in them at first glance. 
  People with natal 1st house Saturn are very good at hiding their insecurity with their armor of a private, distrusting front. In reality this “can” make them intimidating to other people because of the intentional/unintentional standoffish vibe they “can” put out to others.  ”Usually” with Saturn in the first one does   not have an easy childhood, and is burdened with adult responsibilities as a child, having to grow up fast.  I am not implying that everyone that has natal Saturn in the 1st fits this description, but I have found it to be pretty true.  Some other famous women with Saturn in the first house are Cher and Jackie O. The positive side of Saturn in the 1st is that, it gives a person a lot of strength and “can” create a lot of motivation and drive as well. (After all Heidi Fleiss was a millionaire by 22.) She clearly utilized the positive aspects of that Saturn placement, even if it was through a means that some would consider negative.
  Heidi also has a T-square in her chart. A T-square is like a car with three wheels, or a chair with three legs, there is a missing leg and imbalance of energy. In the case of a T-Square it involves three planets instead of four. Heidi’s T-squares involve Uranus in the (7th house marriage/relationships with the other) Mercury (10th house Public scene/career)  and Jupiter in the (5th house of romance) Heidi also has an opposition between Pluto and Chiron an aspect that Anna Nicole Smith also shares as well. To note: Anna also had Venus in the first house too. Saturn in the first house is a common placement for sex workers. Xaviera Hollander (adult film actress) also has Saturn in the first and is one of many in the sex industry with this placement.

  People with natal Chiron in the first house many times can have a “cat with a nine lives complex”. Heidi has a history of  flipping cars over, this happened to her three times. The most recent accident occurred after she took off and left rehab in California. This year on Thanksgiving day her home in Nevada burnt to the ground, her beloved parrots were all rescued and safe. Another trend  I have noticed with Chiron in the first apart from the cat with nine lives complex are identity issues. 
    I recently researched into the natal charts, of  over 50 prostitutes, transvestites, pimps and madames.  Out of the 50-60 charts I studied, a large portion of the subjects had Chiron in the 1st house.In particular the tran-sexuals and transvestite sex workers)  Heidi very likely had some internal identity issues and struggles.  Becoming a Madame is a hardcore thing to do; many people are not able to go through the recruitment process. In order to become a Madame, a person is emotionally desensitized, and is trained to lose their empathy towards humans. This is achieved through a number of brutalistic and disturbing tasks to other human beings as a sort of rite of passage into the sex industry. The “tasks” they have to do to other people and themselves are things most people would never be able to do or would consider. Heidi passed with flying colors by age 20. By the time she was 22 she had millions.
    As a young teenager and child she was a lost kid, dropping out of school, and barely passing her classes. She had little authority in her home growing up and ran wild.  Heidi also had a fetish for older men through out her teens and through her thirties. It was common for her to date men thirty years her senior. It was through her waitressing job that she met an older playboy that gave her the connection to get into the industry. They had a four-year affair. Observing Chiron and Saturn conjoined in the first house, makes me think that deep down on the inside she is not so cocky and self assured as she presents out towards the world. Internally there is a fragile, insecure side to this person beneath the surface (The side) that empathsizes with abused parrots, that created a bird rescue in her home.
    Externally she portrays herself as a cold, calculating, shrewd, business woman. (Ascendant)   Venus and dark moon Lilith are conjunct in Aquarius in the first house (of Self and identity) seeing this in her chart did not surprise me at all as it coincides with my impressions of her as being shrewd and calculating. Heidi opted to stay in prison longer than she was required. This aspect probably helped her remain  objective in regards to business matters, perhaps it plays another part in her lack of empathy.

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